Reflection on Isaiah 58


The Lord will guide you continually, giving you water when you are dry and restoring your strength. You will be like a well watered garden like an ever flowing spring.


The people of Israel are sinners, despite their pious actions. They go to the temple every day. They pray and ask God to intervene on their behalf. they fast, expecting God to be impressed.

The kind of fasting the Lord requires is to free the wrongly imprisoned and let the oppressed go free. They are to look after the homeless and care for relatives in need.

When they do that, salvation will come like the dawn. When they call, the Lord will answer. If they feed the hungry they will shine like light in the darkness. Then the Lord will guide them continually and make them like a well watered garden.


The Lord is not interested in our deeds of piety – prayers, praise, fasting and so on. These things are important, but they do not impress God.

The Lord is impressed when we allow our salvation to flow out to others in good deeds and when we set free the oppressed.

We are saved by faith in Christ. That then transforms our hearts and minds so that we live for Him and for other people. When we do that, the little light that is my relationship with God is magnified and shows forth in my community in actions that bring freedom and life.

Then we start to bloom like a well-watered garden. We help others to flourish, and by doing that, God’s grace multiplies in us.

As a a new Christian and a new member of Parliament, William Wilberforce asked God, “What can I do for you?” He dedicated his career to ending slavery and brought liberty to millions of people around the world. He became a well-watered garden that benefited countless people.


Lord show me how to glorify your name today. Amen.

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