Reflection on Isaiah 50


Because the Sovereign Lord helps me, I will not be disgraced. Therefore, I have set my face like stone, determined to do his will. And I know that I will not be put to shame.


The Lord has given his servant words of wisdom. Day by day, He opens his understanding.

The Lord has spoken to him, and he will do the Lord’s will. He sets his face like flint to do the Lord’s will

Who fears the lord and obeys his servant? Anyone who walks in darkness should trust the Lord. Those who walk by their own light will fall down in torment.


Again Isaiah returns to the message about the Suffering Servant, whom we know is Jesus.

Jesus foresaw the suffering and shame that awaited him on the cross. Yet He trusted the Father to bring Him through.

Jesus knew the price had to be paid in order to bring salvation to everybody who trusts in Him.

The reward was worth the suffering.

Sometimes the Lord asks us to go through difficult times. Like Job, we may see no reason or reward for the tough times. We have to trust that God knows what He is doing. We rely on His strength to see us through.

We would not choose the way of suffering, but God uses these times to deepen our trust in Him.


Lord Jesus, thank you for choosing the way of suffering and shame, for dying on the cross for me. Amen.

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