Breaking News: Tony Abbott Obeyed the Law

The Left absolutely loathe former PM Tony Abbott, even years after he left office.

So no surprise that former low achieving NSW Premier and current non-achieving Senator Kristina Kennealy accused him of *shock* riding his bike in the Northern Beaches area of Sydney, the heart of the current coronavirus lockdown.

Naturally this accusation has been aired in all the mainstream media. Naturally the Police investigated the claim. Naturally the claim was half true- Tony did ride his bike, but that is allowed in the current regulations.

If this sort of nonsense is the best the Federal Labor Party can come up with, they don’t deserve a single vote at any election.

Ephesians 4:3

Here is my commentary on Ephesians 4:3 . I am publishing these once or twice a week, but you can read all of the available articles at our web-site,

Ephesians 4:3

“Make every effort to maintain the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.”

In the previous verse, Paul list qualities such as humility, patience, and love which help to keep christians on the same page and living to the high calling God has placed on us.

We might think that these are passive qualities which just bring about Christ-like living by virtue of them being in our lives. But Paul now tells us to make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit.

There are people who think that God has to take all of the steps necessary to make us better people. They speak of striving as a bad thing because it takes away from God’s grace. Yet as we read through Paul’s epistles, he has a very even-handed approach. ”God has done this for you,” he says, “ Therefore you need to do this.”

Paul tells us we have to make every effort to maintain the unity of the Spirit. In other words, we are to strive, work hard, make it our goal to pursue unity in the Spirit.

When Paul talks about unity, he is not meaning uniformity. We can be one in the Spirit without being all the same. There are many gifts but one giver. There are many styles of worship, but one God is worshipped. There are many ways to serve, but just one Saviour.

We must pursue unity in our own congregation. Love has to be practised among the believers in the same faith community. If we have strong disagreements with other believers, we must seek reconciliation. Genuine repentance and true forgiveness are the practices that keep communities together.

We must also show respect and love to believers in other congregations. They may have different worship styles, traditions, and doctrinal emphases than we have, but they are still members of the same body, the Body of Christ.

The phrase unity of the Spirit does not mean that we have to work to keep the Holy Spirit together. When christians fight, it grieves the Holy Spirit, but it does not divide Him. I have the Holy Spirit in me, and you have the Holy Spirit in you, but when we stop talking to each other it does not cut off the Spirit in me from the Spirit in you.

The phrase “the unity of the Holy Spirit” suggests that unity is found in the Holy Spirit, that it comes from the Holy Spirit. This unity is about us being together, not the Holy Spirit being together.

We are to maintain the unity of the Holy Spirit through the bond of peace.

In chemistry, a bond is a force that joins atoms together to form molecules. In water, for example, two atoms of hydrogen are bound to an atom of oxygen to form a molecule of water. These bonds can be very hard to break.

When christians are bound by the bond of peace, it means that the peace that comes from the Holy Spirit joins us together and keeps us together regardless of circumstances. This is not something we are forced into, but it is a natural byproduct of the peace of the lord.

In Psalm 46, there is a strong contrast made between the nations which are in turmoil and the peace of the people of God. The nations are in turmoil because they do not know the peace of the Lord.

Peace is more than just an absence of fighting or of noise. Peace, or shalom in Hebrew, carries a sense of harmony, of things being in the right place doing the right thing and all in cooperation or purposefulness .

We experience God’s shalom in four dimensions. Firstly, harmony with God comes when we are in fellowship with Him. Second, there is harmony within. This is the inner peace that comes from knowing that God loves us. Third, there is harmony with others. We no longer have to put ourselves forward or put others down to know that we are valued. Finally, there is harmony with creation as we realise that we are to steward creation and not pillage it.

So the Holy Spirit gives us this peace which transforms us from the inside out, and which enhances every relationship we have. This peace binds us to other people, and makes it possible to work to maintain the unity of the Holy Spirit.

Key points in this verse:

  • We are to be active in maintaining unity in the Body of Christ
  • This is not by human effort alone, but a partnership with the Holy Spirit
  • Unity does not mean everyone has to be the same
  • The bond of peace is the force that helps to keep christians together
  • Peace is harmony that comes from everybody knowing that we are loved and accepted by God

Reflection on Matthew 2:13-23


“A cry was heard in Ramah –

weeping and great mourning.

Rachel weeps for her children

refusing to be comforted for they are dead.”


The wise men leave and, having been warned in a dream, they bypass Jerusalem. Joseph again has a dream in which an angel tells him to flee with the child to Egypt.

Herod orders all the boys under two years old who were born in or near Bethlehem to be killed.

After Herod dies, Joseph again has a dream that reassures him that it is time to return. The family settles in Nazareth in Galilee.


When God is at work, we can be sure that satan is at work also, trying to undo God’s plans. Ironically, satan is often just dancing to the tune previously set by the Lord.

The Messiah is born, and satan seeks to destroy Him. He provokes the anger of Herod in an attempt to destroy God’s rescue plan. This plot, wicked as it is, was foreseen by Jeremiah hundreds of years prior.

Satan loves to think he is in control. He tries to convince God’s people to be afraid of him, to avoid big steps of faith, because of possible consequences. Yet, satan at every step is shown to be weaker than God.

The child of God has no reason to ever be afraid. “Greater is he that is in you than he than he that is in the world.”


Father, the grief of those mothers and families whose little boys were killed by a paranoid king was great. Yet your grief for humanity lost in sin is even greater. Thank you for the knowledge that you have won the victory over the devil. Amen.

Reflection on Matthew 2:1-12


“In Bethlehem in Judea.” they said. “For this is what the prophet wrote:

‘And you O Bethlehem in the land of Judah

are not least among the ruling cities of Judah

for a ruler will come from you

who will be the shepherd for my people Israel.’”


Some wise men from the East arrive in Jerusalem announcing that they have seen a star indicating there is a new king in Israel.

Herod is disturbed by this, so he gathers his advisers together and asks them where the Messiah is to be born. “In Bethlehem,” they say.

Herod then meets with the wise men and sends them to Bethlehem. He asks them to report back to him so he can worship the king too,

The wise men go on their way. The star guides them to Bethlehem, stopping over the very house where the child is. They worship Him and present gifts of frankincense, gold and myrrh.


The birth of the Messiah was the most anticipated event in the history of Israel, and the scribes, priests, and religious leasers missed it. They knew what the Scriptures had to say about this event, but they failed to see it when it happened.

Perhaps these people were too invested in the status quo. They were people of influence and had no need for a Messiah to come and mess things up.

Perhaps they were so jaded by prophetic expectations that the arrival of astrologers saying that a star indicated the Messiah had come was not enough to stir their interest.

It is still possible for us to miss what God is doing in our lives. We see a miracle and make up reasons to explain it away. We hear God telling us to step out, but we hold back because it means giving up too much.

Let us be attentive to the voice of the Spirit and brave enough to move out in faith at the right time.


Father, please break through my hardness of heart, and speak to me about your plans for my life. I don’t want to miss it, Lord. Amen.