Reflection on Romans 14:13-23


For the kingdom of God is not a matter of what we eat or drink, but of living a life of goodness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.


Instead of condemning one another for living and believing differently to us, we should act out of concern and love for our brothers and sisters in the Lord, so as not to cause them to stumble.

No food is of itself wrong, but if another believer is distressed by what I eat, then out of love for them, I should not eat it.

The kingdom of God is not about rules about what we can and cannot eat, but about living a life of goodness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.

All foods are good, but if my eating them causes a believer to stumble, then I should not eat these foods. And if I have doubts about whether it is right to eat something, then it is sin for me because I am not eating from conviction.


The kingdom of God is not about dietary rules, or any other rules for that matter. We have been saved by grace, not by following rules. It is our relationship with God that sets us free from religious obligations.

The kingdom of God is about living a life of goodness. We don’t try to keep rules, but by the power of the Holy Spirit, we imitate the life of Jesus. This is a life marked by love for God and for others, and by holiness.

The kingdom of God is about peace. We have been reconciled to God and set free from sin. The peace of God should not only be in my heart, but radiate to others who do not know the peace of God.

The kingdom of God is about joy. The biggest problem, the heaviest weight, in a person’s life is the burden of sin. I’ve been set free from that. Laughter should always be ready to bubble up from us in our daily celebration of life.

And all of this is in the Holy Spirit. We don’t force people to put a smile on their dial, to pretend to be something they are not. No, the Holy Spirit brings goodness, joy and peace to our hearts as a gift.


How awesome it is to be a child of God! Thank you Father! Amen.

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