You Will Face God

Last week I travelled to Batemans Bay to visit my parents. The occasion was my mother’s 90th birthday, which is quite a milestone.

Just a couple of generations ago, 65 years was an achievement to celebrate. Most people were not expected to last too many years after retirement. Now, 25 or 30 years of post retirement living is common.

Although I sailed past 65 a little while ago, I find that I am still full of energy, and my brain is still firing on all cylinders. No chance and no desire to put my feet up any time soon.

Regardless of all of this, the day will come for all of us when our bodies stop functioning. While we all look forward to a long life, some people die prematurely in accidents and other causes.

While death and taxes are the two unavoidable facts of life, most people these days give little thought to death, even if they manage to avoid taxes.

The Bible teaches us that after our bodies die, our souls continue to live. We will all stand before God to give an account of our lives. Jesus used the analogies of sheep being sorted from goats and weeds being separated from wheat. Those who have lived perfect lives go to a place of unimaginable joy called Heaven. Those who have not lived perfect lives go to a place of suffering called Hell.

But none of us is perfect. We have all sinned and fallen short of God’s standard.

So how can anyone be saved from the awful destiny?

Jesus died to pay for the sins of everyone. He can take away your failures, crimes and mistakes.

Financial advisers are constantly urging us to prepare for retirement.

Spiritual advisers want you to prepare for what comes after that. You don’t need a huge super fund, or any fund at all.

Say a prayer and sincerely ask Jesus to forgive you. Resolve to live for him as many days or years that you have left. Go to a church where you will find help and support in following through on that decision.

You were made for eternity.

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