Reflection on 1 Thessalonians 2:1-8


As apostles of Christ, we certainly had a right to make some demands of you, but instead we were like children among you. We were like a mother feeding and caring for her own children.


Paul, Silas, and Timothy had been badly treated in Philippi. They were beaten and thrown into jail (Acts 16:19-40). Despite this, they came to Thessalonica and preached the gospel boldly.

They do not preach to win favour or from any impure motives. They are messengers approved by God and entrusted with the Good News. They did not flatter the Thessalonians or pretend to be their friends in order to get their money.

No, it was the opposite. They came as apostles of God, with gentleness. They were like a mother feeding her children. They loved them not just with the gospel, but they shared their lives with them also.


With the rise in awareness of the ministry of apostles in recent years, many people have falsely taken the title of apostle.

People want to be the”big man” in control and able to push people around. Some take advantage of ordinary Christians in order to gain power, money, or status.

This is not the way of Jesus.

The apostles came to Thessalonica in gentleness and with a servant heart. They preached with boldness, but not with impure motives.

Rather than seeking gain from the converts, they gave themselves to them, like a mother who feeds her children.

When assessing christian leaders, we we must look beyond their words, their style and the content of their message, to see how their actions line up with the example of Jesus or the apostles.


Lord, please help me to serve your people rather than looking to be served. Amen

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