Reflection on Isaiah 51


Those who have been ransomed by the Lord will return. They will enter Jerusalem with singing, crowned with everlasting joy. Sorrow and mourning will disappear, and they will be filled with joy and gladness.


Those seeking the deliverance of the Lord need to return to the rock from which they were cut. Abraham and Sarah were role models for Israel.

God’s law, mercy, and justice will be a light to all the nations. Even distant lands are waiting in hope for the Lord’s intervention.

People are like flies, and the sky will disappear, but God’s salvation lasts for ever.

The Lord’s redeemed will return to Jerusalem with singing and joy. Sorrow and morning will disappear.

The captives will be released. Those who have drunk the cup of the Lord’s fury will have that cup removed, and it will be handed to their tormentors.


We are the ransomed of the Lord. He has bought our salvation through the death of Jesus on the cross. We are redeemed and set free from the power of sin.

Satan has lost his authority over us. It has been snatched away. Yet he tries to control us with his lies and deception.

Those who know the Lord know joy. The mark of the true believer is joy. Unlike happiness, which depends on external events, joy bubbles up from our hearts because of our peace with God.

We can sing in times of victory and in times of suffering. Jesus is the joy giver.

In this life we still have sorrow and mourning. But they no longer define who we are. In the midst of it all, joy remains dominant. In the end, we will be one with Christ forever. Sorrow and mourning will be no more.


Lord, thank you for the knowledge of your presence right now. Thank you for the hope that I have in you that sorrow and mourning will be gone forever. Amen